At Spritzy, our primary focus is in creating natural products to heal and support healthy skin. Our founder Annabel’s decade long journey to naturally heal her skin led to her to discover highly effective, carefully sourced naturals used to create the range. Some of our favourites include Cold pressed Jojoba oil, Organic Rosehip oil and Organic Castile Soap.
It also took her on a wider exploration of holistic therapies all of which contributed to the healing process:
“Having explored nutrition, fitness, meditation and Ayurveda I experienced directly how the food I was eating, how movement, my environment and even how I thought all played a part in getting better. This page is dedicated to the wisdom, expertise and people I met, which helped and supported me along the way.”
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which means ‘science of life’ and is known as the oldest healing science stemming from Vedic culture over 5,000 years ago. Dr Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda and their Panchakarma Rejuvenation Centre in India offers authentic Ayurvedic consultations and retreats -
Vedic meditation is a mantra based meditation anyone can learn. Suitable for complete beginners or more experienced meditators, it’s an effective de-stressing technique which fits into daily life offering deep calm and restoration. Check out Kind Meditation to learn more.